Friday, January 8, 2010

Let the travelling begin!

After a very enjoyable afternoon knitting at the sticks and needles guild in Niagara Falls, I am more committed to getting to the knitting.

I have gotten my travelling scarf ready and will be on my way to the post office later this morning to drop it in the mail. After seeing one of my friends almost completed travelling scarves, I think i want to collect several over the next couple of years to make myself a lapghan by stitching them together...what a conversation piece that would be!

I am having a really hard time with hubby's socks, there are SO many stitches (96) and they it is on size 1 or 2 needles, I knit and knit and seem to get nowhere! Can I tell you... I hate cuffs. I am planning to keep going today on it... I want to see the heel before Sunday...that is not too lofty a goal, I can make it.

I am getting excited to get the next scarf and think that this just might be the project that keeps me going through the long winter ahead. Keep warm...stay safe and knit when you can!

1 comment:

  1. Ever heard of Blackhole Knitting - or something similiar to that affect? It's where you slave on a piece doing x-amount of stitches while you're watching a movie or something which usually causes the progress to be immense. Unfortunately, when you look down you really have not made any progress and you deem the stitches have just evaportated into some strange other dimensional blackhole thing.
    The only way out of this is generally changing your mood, feeling, etc towards the piece. Granted it's strange and ... annoying to say the lease but many knitters (and probably crochet) have experienced this.
    As for the hubby's socks and the CO 96, have you thought of maybe trying to do what you read in knitted sock books about meassuring the foot and all that? That might make you feel more confident in the CO 96.

    Who needs large big projects when you can turn out five or so scarfs in two weeks ;) Long live the smaller projects.
