Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Strand... The random lies and half-truths that one, non citizen spouts about our lovely town

I have been following lately with great interest the goings on around our quaint little town of Crystal Beach. I stumbled upon a blog that is touted to be about the village and it's citizens. I was quite distressed by the lack of credible information on this wackjob's site. She has admitted to defecating in a planter on out town's stunning new friendship trail and yet seems to think that those of us who would see the town grow and develop into a thriving community are the ones that are out to ruin the town and it's reputation. The following is a response that I set to her that surprisingly enough was not posted and deleted.

As I know that this post will be deleted, I have no problem once again telling you that I think that you need to get a life.You are aware are you not that this is not a real news forum. You have been heard, you don't want a 12 story building in the beach. What you do not realize that it is not about you, the American Summer residents, or the aging population of the beach that will not be here in the next 10 -20 years. What matters is a vital community for those of us that have children here in Crystal beach and Fort Erie and would like there to be a vibrant and clean future for our families. It seems that you will make any disparaging remarks that you can to sway the public into thinking that what you are spewing is not the lies and half-truths that they really are. I have noticed that you targeted the neighbors of the council to try and make it look that your lowly FOCB membership of about 40 maybe 50 people was much larger than it is. When I, doing my own due diligence asked some people why it was they had those signs on their lawns it was very interesting to hear the imaginative responses that I heard. None of which were actual issues that are concerns with this project.I don't like that there is going to be a 12 story condo on the waterfront. That said, I would rather a 12 story condo than our forest land cut down for single family dwellings. I would also rather see that 12 story building than a stupid splash pad . Why on God's green earth would anyone go to the beach...a large natural splash pad to hang out at a concrete one or a park where our kids can hang out and get into trouble. I have seen nothing but a first class beautiful compromise for the problem facing crystal beach. what would you like it to look like to fit into our community? A run down dilapidated crappy cottage? That would make it blend in just perfectly.I find it interesting that you find it easy to spout your venomous remarks here on the Internet where it is easy to hide.. I don't recall seeing you get the nerve to speak for yourself. After watching the council meeting in it's entirety, your reporting on the meeting was less than accurate. The interrogation and debating, not clarification from Ms. Noyes made it clear to me that as a long term council member she has no respect for the office. The obvious campaigning that she was doing did not win any votes from anybody that I have spoken to that watched her theatrics. the only bonus is that we may be finally rid of her in the town... She is very self serving and those of you that think that she is actually in this debate because that is what she thinks is good for the village of Crystal beach and The Town of Fort Erie you are greatly mistaken.. she has consistently on any issue came out to support those who have whined the loudest or longest. A true Politician. Perhaps if you do not want the hypothetical future council to not "give" the condo owners the beach.. which will never happen by the way, you should be on council yourself instead of sitting here behind your computer.Perhaps you can let us know about the good things going on in Crystal Beach or Condemn that cowards that didn't like what Mia had to say and let her know by vandalizing her car. now talk about childish..I am a friend of crystal beach, maybe the FOCB needs to learn what that means.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ok, Take two!

I finally got the pictures taken of MY very own socks!!! yay!!!
Today has already started out bad... one kid screaming because I didn't hear him change his mind from cheerios to cornflakes.... too bad just eat them. The other one screaming because he didn't bring home the things that he needs to complete his homework... like that is my fault.

Calgon take me away!

Today the library is open at 10 so I am going to try again to go there and sit in solitude. Knit my Sailor's delight socks, pattern from the the 2-at-a time socks book I got for Christmas. I will have to walk to Tim's and back first though to kill the hour from dropping off the kids til the Library opens.
Off to kick some boyz butts! I have had enough for one morning...and i have to work out this afternoon. yippee!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

foiled AGAIN

I am sitting writing a blog post because my plans for the daywere changed for me. I started a fitness program on Sunday. I picked up EA Active for the Wii. It has a great feature.. the "thirty day challenge". I thought, great I am acountable to the machine. Day one.. Did my workout, 20 minutes of intense lunging, running and boxing... I felt pretty good about myself. Later that night the pain set in. My back, my chest my butt....killing me. Ok this must be working. Yesterday, still in pain, but work through it... I thought that I might just die! Now add my calves to the pain centre!..Today it says rest... Yay I can do that.
i didn't want to hang out at home and do house work. (It really needs to be done btw) So off to take the kids to school, packed up my socks and off to the library to knit a little..out of the house. Trudged through the school soccer field, fell in the snow, slid across the parking lot, got to the door of the Library........CLOSED Tuesday 1pm -9pm. Well crap! So off to Tims's Grabbed a hot cider... way too sweet, strolled around the bargain shop and now I am here... blogging instead of sitting in a comfy library chair knitting in solitude.
I know what you are thinking.. I could be knitting here at home, but the house is making me feel guilty. It really is a mess. at least I turned the dishwasher on... not a total loss for the day. Well....I better do something, Let you know what it was later! Have a great day!

Monday, January 11, 2010

So, I have now go to two different knitting social events. First was the sticks and needles guild with the safety of Renna and, great to just hang out talk knitting and meet some experienced knitters. Last night I made my way down to Coffee Culture in Fort Erie by myself.. a little more adventurous, going by myself. Everyone was nice and got some great ideas for where to get my needles that I need to make my two at at time socks. The other major thing, other than just getting out of my house, I was able to get my first sock (for me and only me!) almost done I will finish the toe today and probably start the other one. I think that the reason that this one got done so fast is the random striping pattern of the yarn I got. I just wanted to see what would come out next. It looks to me like candy. I will try to upload a photo later so that everyone can get a look!

Hubby came home on Saturday night instead of Sunday morning, actually was probably Sunday morning by the time he rolled in but early none the less. He brought with him a surprise! A Snuggie! So I am off to the couch to wrap myself up in my blanket with sleeves, watch the snow come down and finish my sock! Happy knitting!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Let the travelling begin!

After a very enjoyable afternoon knitting at the sticks and needles guild in Niagara Falls, I am more committed to getting to the knitting.

I have gotten my travelling scarf ready and will be on my way to the post office later this morning to drop it in the mail. After seeing one of my friends almost completed travelling scarves, I think i want to collect several over the next couple of years to make myself a lapghan by stitching them together...what a conversation piece that would be!

I am having a really hard time with hubby's socks, there are SO many stitches (96) and they it is on size 1 or 2 needles, I knit and knit and seem to get nowhere! Can I tell you... I hate cuffs. I am planning to keep going today on it... I want to see the heel before Sunday...that is not too lofty a goal, I can make it.

I am getting excited to get the next scarf and think that this just might be the project that keeps me going through the long winter ahead. Keep warm...stay safe and knit when you can!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Welcome 2010

Well it is a new year, so they say. I have not seen too much different yet... I can only hope!

My stash is gonna get bigger, my brother in laws got me a Michael's gift card for Christmas. whoo hoo! I will be getting the needles I need to make 2-at-a-time socks. I decided not to try it again til I have the correct materials.

Kids go back to school tomorrow.. that can only be good. We are on our way today or tomorrow to get our new fireplace for the living room. We will be warm, maybe no snuggie needed!

I am going to work on mom's blanket today if we don't leave the house. I want to get it done so I can say I actually finished something in a somewhat timely manner. Let me qualify that, I seem to not get the bigger projects finished. If I am working on a dishcloth or scarf, I can get those very small projects done, but the projects that take more than one knitting session to complete.. I might be screwed. Again, the ADD. I can't help it, blame it on the brain.

Well, off to the couch, hook in hand to knock out that lapghan......maybe!