Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I am stuck on a sock. It really is driving me crazy. I want to make my marvellous husband a pair of wool socks. I have been working on one sock since Christmas and it is making me nuts. I wasn't thinking about the 96 stitches that I was casting on, or the fact that I was using size 1 needles, I found a pattern and it was for his size and away I went. It has been the thorn in my side since cast on. I have made 3 other socks for myself in no time. The problem with plain black wool is the monotony of the thing and the fact that many stitches means knitting for hours just for half and inch. I will get them done, but the second sock syndrome with this pair is going to be agony. I will have to be the little engine that could and keep chanting the mantra... I think I can, I think I can, I think I can......


  1. Maybe for a small fee Renna will knit them for you, she's looking to make money for her text books, and remaining sanity? But you didn't hear that from me. ;)

  2. Hey Hot Stuff... I am waiting for your next blog... Talk to us dahling! :) MKL
