Thursday, December 31, 2009

ADD Knitting

Well I have been going crazy trying to decide what project to start knitting.

I started the socks for my sockless feet, got to Micheals yesterday and found all the sock yarn on sale.... had to buy more! My husband and I had a spirited discussion as to my "stash". I buy yarn, mostly, with a project in mind. I really would love to just go in and buy a bunch with no purpose other than I just love the look and feel of it.

I got home with my new yarn and decided to try to get a handle on the 2-at-a-time socks. I think that I was way too tired to understand what seemed to me to be quite detailed, easy to follow directions. I frogged that out and thought , "hey, lets start on hubby's new socks!".

Couldn't do that either, I had the one set of needles needed to cast those on, in use with MY socks. OK, back to my heel which I am just about turn. That lasted about ten minutes when I got cold, wrapped myself in the blanket and discovered I could be warm or knit. In that moment, the slanket, snuggy, whatever you want to call it started to make sense to me. That in itself was a scary thought. Might have to go out and buy one today.

I promptly fell asleep wrapped in my flannel sheet, OK time to start today.

I want to know, is it a waste of a resolution to try to finish a project when I start it? I still have to finish my Mom's Birthday blanket before I go to her house the next time. It might be better if I finished it and mailed it to her instead, I have no idea when I might get to Kincardine.

So, now I have to spend the day running around getting drinks for tonight, photos developed for hubby's family, oh and not to forget... figuring our what I will wear for my romantic dinner at the skylon tower. After dinner we are meeting up with friends at a house party, is it cool if I bring my knitting? That is my biggest question. I couldn't hurt to throw it into my bag.....

1 comment:

  1. It's always handy and wise to have a Resolution to finish what is on your needle. Personally I feel if you keep doing and starting projects you will likely never be able to finish them as you are going from one to the other.

    I usually have some sort of knitting project handy to toss into a bag if we're going out to function. Though I try to always make sure the project is easy to do (pretty mindless) and not all that big. You never know how a function is going to go in a course of a evening or what ever, if you find yourself not being invited into a conversation - why not pull out the knitting. Could likely start an entire slew of conversation starters.
